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Here are some good sites. Figured I may as well put them here 0_0

Fash Animation Sites:

Homestarrunner- A site that is completely awesome. I am pretty sure everyone in the world knows about it already, but just in case..

Matazone- A site full of twisted cartoons made by a nice Brit (named Mata). It's also home to the best forum ever.

AlbinoBlacksheep- An enourmous Flash collection from all over.. Most are good, some are of questionable taste o_o; It's where all those squirrel shirts come from.
It gots some swearing, so don't blame ME when your ears burn..


it may not be the most famousest site in the world, but you should go there because I say so

Misc. Stuff I found o_o:

I am the walrus