About Me
My Stuff
Questionable Artwork
About Me
Contact Me

I'm describing myself to make it seem like the site is bigger.

Here is me. Here is the site. huttah!

OK then. I like to dress like no one else and usually succeed. Most of the time I come off as being either disturbing or amusing to small children, perhaps both. I love my fuzzy green hat and my Hot Topic shirts. I never ever ever wear sneakers, only sandals or boots. I never ever ever wear jeans, only pajama bottoms and mens' cargo pants (somethimes other things, but not usually). I'm a huge fan of all of Jhonen Vasquez's creations and am attempting to collect everything he did in all mediums, but apparently I am not trying too hard since all I have is one ZIM dvd set and the Squee collector's edition. my hair does not like me. My email address is It is based off of a few inside jokes squeezed together, and if you can guess even part of them you may win a prize. (No, you won't)
I also have a weblog, just so I can waste the internet some more. feel my doomy, doomy pain.
The End



Here is a picture of me. Well, more like a sketch of me. OK. a cartoon of me. Well, a cartoon of me WOULD be here, except my scanner broke last week. I suspect it's just unplugged, but I won't take that chance. Instead, please accept a slightly mashed picture of a small kitten. awww!


favorite movies:

I've forgotten them.. One was probably Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.

favorite music:

Blink 182 is pretty good. I assume Green Day is competely awesome, but I don't have any of their CD's and have only heard them from the radio. Jimmy Eat World is pretty good too. Beethoven. he rocks too.

I am the walrus